Blog Amazonia Peru
The Tambopata National Reserve is located south of the Blog Amazonia Peru Madre de Dios River in the Tambopata and Inambari districts of the province of Tambopata, on an area of 278 284 ha. The Reserve limits by the North with
the province of Tambopata of the department of Madre de Dios; on the East with Bolivia; to the south with the
Bahuaja Sonene National Park; and in the West with the C.N. Kotsimba The buffer zone of the Reserve ranges from
the Native Community of Kotsimba to the Heath River and has an area of 186,450 ha (INRENA, 2003).
From the Tambopata National Reserve:
The creation of the Tambopata National Reserve is the result of the effort of various people and institutions to
conserve the ecosystems of Tambopata; from the creation initiative as Tambopata Reserved Zone (ZRT), until the
creation of the Tambopata Candamo Reserved Zone (ZRTC) and the subsequent process for the definitive
categorization of the area.
In 1977, by Ministerial Resolution No. 0001-77-AG / DGFF, the Tambopata Reserved Zone was created, over an area
of 5,500 Ha Subsequently after 13 years (1990), by RM No. 032-90-AG / DGFFS, it was redefined its area on an area
of 4 “478,942.45 ha, assuming the new name of Zona Reservada Tambopata
Candamo, located between 12º 20″ and 14º 36 “south latitude and between 68º 30” and 70º 27 “west longitude,
occupying part of of the territory of the Departments of Madre de Dios and Puno. In 1996, through DS Nº 012-96-
AG, part of its surface is annexed to the Las Pampas de Heath National Sanctuary, to form the Bahuaja Sonene
National Park. In the year 2000 through DS Nº 048-2000-AG the protected area is finally established in a area of
278,284 ha. Located in the province of Tambopata, Department of Madre de Dios blog Amazonia peru .
Tambopata Tours Information
We have great adventure travel in Tambopata lodge , is one of the most amazing areas of the Peruvian Amazon in Tambopata , is considered the richest region in the entire biosphere of the Earth , as stated by National Geographic
Magazine in their editions of January 1994 and March 2000. This tours Tambopata National Reserve has an area of
1’478 , 942.45 hectares and square kilometer in any species of insects , birds and mammals in a similar almost anywhere else on the planet will be .
Preserve Tours Tambopata Candamo means a guarantee of future oxygen , water and life to the world. Their
conservation should be a responsibility and commitment of all generations to come . Tambopata Natural settlers are their best guardians and survive as a functioning ecosystem if they all learn to live with this and I respect it. His
management and sustainable use can provide tangible economic benefits in Tambopata , the ecotourism industry is
an example and model of it.
We have a vision to promote our ecological awareness , also providing input for spreading the wealth of culture and
nature of this wonderful land, Peru .
We invite you to discover and observe this beautiful trip to Tambopata tours by tropical rainforest , the wealth of geographical area and biodiversity Tambopata tours .