Bird of Peru
Rainforest Jungle Bird of Peru
Seeing birds in the Amazon Bird of Peru is like looking at an artist’s palette of colors. Sometimes it is hard to imagine that such colors exist in nature. If you don’t already have one, you are likely to start your Audubon Society “Life List”
here. In your journey along rivers OF AMAZON PERU with the reserve the manu national park, sandoval lake reserve and reserve tambopata .
Bird of Peru- Rainforest Amazonico .
lakes, and streams, you will see hundreds of kinds of birds, representing more colors and shades than you’d ever see in a mere rainbow. Massive storks follow the river, their crops so filled with fish that they are almost too heavy to fly.
Graceful snowy egrets soar overhead, looking like reflections of thick, puffy white clouds. An Amazon kingfisher watches the scene with a bored air. A bird as yellow as the noon sun glides past. It is truly nature at its most lovely for the jungle trips .
Peru Birds
Peru is located in the center-west of South America and has a total area of 1,285,215.6 km2 ,The country shares borders ocean. Peru’s capital, Lima, is located on the coast, in the center of the country and is the seat of the
government. Politically, Peru is divided into 24 regions as well as the Constitutional Province of El Callao. Regions, in turn, are subdivided into provinces, and these, into districts. Peru currently has a total of 180 provinces and 1747
districts. Peru’s population
stands at 28,220,764 inhabitants (2008), of which 72% live in urban areas and 28% in rural zones. Forty-four ethnic
groups also inhabit Peru, divided into 14 ethno-linguistic families. with the most representative being the Tumbes,
Chira, Chancay, Jequetepeque, Santa, Rimac, Cañete, Ica, Majes and Tambo rivers. The rivers of the Amazon or
Atlantic basin are generally long and voluminous with many tributaries. The most important river ports in Peru in the Amazon are Imaza, Iquitos, Pucallpa, Yurimaguas and Puerto Maldonado. Lake as the lake is contained by the
western and eastern ranges of the Andes. The 8380 km2 lake receives waters from the rivers Suches, Huancané, Ramis, Coata and Ilave. Peru is divided by the Andes into three regions: Northern Andes, Central Andes and Southern Andes containing 21 ecoregions
including ecosystems such as mangroves .
dry, montane and humid forests, savannas, desert, paramos, puna, lakes and rivers, among others. Peru is one of the
10 most diverse, or megadiverse, countries on the planet due to its wealth in ecosystems, species, genetic resources
some 25,000 species are calculated to exist in Peru (10% of the world’s total), of which 30% are endemic. Peru has
the most plant species whose known properties are used by humans (4400 spp) and native domesticated species (128) in the world. Domestic animals include, alpaca (Lama pacos), llama (Lama glama), guinea pig (Cavia
porcellus), domestic duck (Cairina moschata) and the cochineal insect (Dactylopius coccus) from
which a crimson dye is produced. Of the four most important crops for human consumption in the world (wheat,
rice, potato and maize), Peru has a high genetic diversity of both potato and maize (CONAM 2001).
In terms of wild fauna, Peru also has a high global total), 3300 species of amphibians and 462 species of mammals